Egg Incubator
Incubator |
1.Context - Commercial hatcheries available in the market are of huge capacities. It is far greater than the requirement of a small village. It also requires generator backup and therefore it's a major investment. This incubator also requires continuous supply of electricity backup through diesel generators, which increases cost of hatching with reduced business profit.
2.Current Scenario - Domestic egg incubator is developed with three versions : [Solar powered, Grid powered with inverter backup and Solar + Grid powered]. It is fully automated were it controls : [Humidity, Temperature, & Tray rotation with digital & analog control system]. It is successfully tested with [85%] of hatching rate. Technology now has been transferred to [m/s] speed were in future innovative systems are invented for commercial utilization.
3.Usage - Available with capacity ranging [100 - 1000] incubators. Very useful for rural youth, poultry farmers, SHG's, educational institutes & labs.
4.Benefits - Temperature in the incubator is maintained using solar water heater. Note : LPG burner or electrical heater can be used on non sunny days. Tubes carrying hot water from solar heater are circulated inside the chamber to maintain the temperature. Tray selection, Humidity maintenance, etc is automated and powered by solar energy. Low electricity consumption with FRP incubation box insulation. Weight of machine is [85 - 57] kgs.
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