Soil Testing
Soil Teasting |
Why do test soil ? The use of chemical fertilizers has become very large due to the increase in agricultural production. But this is due to agricultural health hazards. To maintain the health of agriculture, it is important to examine our soil and soil from time to time. If there is some special fault in the soil, finding suitable remedies, and not giving adequate quantity of fertilizers to the crops does not increase the crops. It also provides unnecessary cost due to excess fertilizer. The farmer must be aware of the need for food grains because of soil testing
Therefore, the production of crops by fertilizer can be increased and cost savings can also be increased. Soil testing is to examine soil to see which components are in your soil. What soil samples should not be taken for soil testing.
- Bundle
- Do not take down the dump of manure in the field.
- Fisheries should not be taken after fishing.
- The soil of a single place should not be taken.
- Do not take a sample in a single line.
- After the sample remedies should be taken.
How to make a sample for soil testing ?
When taking samples of soil, take zip-zag method. At this place, take a 30-centimeter deep pit as the [V] - shaped letter of English and remove the soil from the patch. To make soil sample test, remove the soil from the pit. Thus, collect all the soil collected from the pit and collect all the soil collected and then make 4 equal parts. Soak the soil of two parts in front of Samora and remove the rest of the soil, and repeat it again in 4 equal parts and remove the soil from two parts in front of the Samora. This recipe should be done till half a kilo of soil. If the soil above is wet, then dry it in the shade. Fill it in half a kilo of plastic bags and write the following information on one paper and put it in a paper bag -
1. Sample Number
2. Sampling date
3. The complete name of the farmer
4. Village and Post
5. Taluka
6. District
7. Survey or Group Number
8. Representative area of the sample
9. The cultivation or the gurayat
10. Past Season Cropping and Drying
11. The next season's crop and dancing cast
12. Soil depth (in centimeters)
13. The slope of the land or flat
14. Some special signs of soil- Kharavta, Chopan, Acid and others
15. The water drain is good or bad
16. The right to collect the soil sample.
After this, send it to the soil testing center.
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